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WMS is adopting a new ATO mail system which enables us to download all ATO mail on behalf of our clients and distribute it electronically. 

What can you expect?

You will receive an email from our team, the email will contain a secure link to access your ATO correspondence. You will be required to use 2FA to authenticate. 

The benefits of this are: 

You receive your mail faster 

Traditional paper mail can take days or even weeks to reach us (and you) through postage methods. ATO SmartDocs means less handling required on our end so the mail will reach you faster. 

It’s secure and more convenient

ATO mail often contains sensitive information including your TFN, taxable income, home address and other personal details. Identity theft is on the rise and documents sent by unsecured email or traditional post increase the risk of your information falling into the wrong hands. With ATO SmartDocs you won’t need to remember your password as you will receive a text message with the password each time making for a more convenient experience.

It’s better for the environment 

With our new system we can receive and deliver your ATO mail to you using even less ink, envelopes, stamps, fuel and paper. Across our thousands of clients this is another win for the environment. 

It’s more reliable 

The ATO now uses six different methods to deliver mail to taxpayers. One of these is delivery through myGov which poses problems for many clients that might not realise the document has been delivered and may miss an important lodgement or payment deadline. 

When will you start receiving ATO mail via ATO SmartDocs?

We are aiming for the second week of April. We will let you know once we go live.